OGU Rules & Guidelines |
The following rules will result in your post being deleted, warning points, and/or a ban! Please read them thoroughly.
- Do not make more than one account. - Do not share your account. - Do not bully/harass members. - Do not spam. - Do not LQ post. - Do not try to sell any items, products, or services that are maliciously/illegally obtained. - Do not post or discuss black-hat activity. (Hacking, fraud, leaking of personal information, etc) - Do not offer bump services. - Do not post a vouch without sales thread URL. - Do not post fake giveaways. - Do not sales trash. - Do not character evade. - Do not mass tag. - Do not misuse the report system. - Do not use misleading thread titles. - Do not excessive bump/spam bump. (bumping more than 10 threads at once causing you to spam the recent/new posts) - Do not cross post. - Do not proxy sell for banned members. (You can proxy sell for non-members or unbanned members) - Do not misuse the reputation system. (Includes asking for rep (You can ask for rep after you've completed a deal), attempting to rep for rep, gang repping, and buying/selling rep) - Do not leave invalid reputation. - Do not advertise "middleman" services on-site (including posts + profile) without being in the trusted, staff or admin usergroup. - Do not post tools/programs outside of the tools/programs section. (This includes giveaways) - Do not discuss warez. - Do not ask for loans. (Includes money/accounts) - Do not advertise and/or discuss other forum sites. - Do not misuse the vouch system. (Includes asking for and buying/selling vouches) - Do not sell your account. - Do not ban evade. (If you are banned, create a pardon thread) - Do not impersonate members. - Do not intentionally try to steal/harm/turbo other members accounts and/or usernames. (Includes off-site accounts/usernames) - Do not try to infect members. - Do not try to phish members. - Do not try to scam/scamming members. - Do not post adult/shock content. - Do not post racism. - Do not try to hack another member. - Do not discuss harming OGU's servers or it's members. - Do not post or sell fake programs. - Do not post or sell fake, public or leaked methods/exploits. - Do not offer fake services. Please be aware of the following! - You agree to our Terms of Use - You agree to our Privacy/Legal Policy - All blackhat activity listed on the linked page is forbidden. - OGU is not responsible for any deals taken place on or off-site. We advise extreme caution in all deals here. - Members caught making multiple accounts will result in closed account (all of them), no matter your account! - Staff will only assist with deal disputes when sufficient evidence is provided. Although, deals are always at your own risk. - Staff will not refund any deal. - Do not contact staff directly about a deal dispute. Use the 'deal disputes' section. Rules and policies are always applicable to change at any time. |